martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

TV comentary :D (literature and english homework)

Finally I decided to see Gossip Girl, thinking it's good to improve my english...and that's true.
But the mean reason is because I really enjoy it, and today, I've realised that Gossip Girl it's a "Lope de Vega new comedy", just it.

And, I don't know why, the outline chapter had an amazing appearance with the outline of the new comedy.

The characters; so many "gentleman and ladys" (but the most important, Chuck and Blair), the parallel story of the servents (Dorota is pregnant!), the powerfun nobleman or noblewoman (maybe Miss Van der Bitt, or Lily's mother, the both), women very smart and ingenious, the rustic (villano) who fights for justice (Dan probably)..

The fact of there are many actions which are developing at the same time.

It breaks the "3 units rule"; more than one place, more than one day..

Sometimes there are dances and songs...

Yes, it must be a "honor and twisted comedy"...

And it's good. It's not "physics or chemistry"....It's not a classic yet, but I think it could be one.

2 comentarios:

Dasha dijo...

Dorota is pregnant!!!!
I can't believe it......omg
what a big boy =)!
love ya gossip girl =)

Anónimo dijo...

I agree completely!

I love Gossip Girl and you (L)

xoxo M